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NOTICE: This function was borrowed from the rmaxent package written by John Baumgartner ( (dependencies on Github-only packages are not allowed for CRAN).

Parse Maxent .lambdas files to extract the types, weights, minima and maxima of features, as well as the fitted model's entropy and other values required for predicting to new data.





Either a `MaxEnt` fitted model object (fitted with the `maxent` function in the `dismo` package), or a file path to a Maxent .lambdas file.


A list (of class `lambdas`) with five elements: * `lambdas`: a `data.frame` describing the features used in a Maxent model, including their weights (lambdas), maxima, minima, and type; * `linearPredictorNormalizer`: a constant that ensures the linear predictor (the sum of clamped features multiplied by their respective feature weights) is always negative (for numerical stability); * `densityNormalizer`: a scaling constant that ensures Maxent's raw output sums to 1 over background points; * `numBackgroundPoints`: the number of background points used in model training; and * `entropy`: the entropy of the fitted model.


* Wilson, P. W. (2009) [_Guidelines for computing MaxEnt model output values from a lambdas file_]( * _Maxent software for species habitat modeling, version 3.3.3k_ help file (software freely available [here](


# Below we use the predicts::MaxEnt example to fit a model:
#> Loading required package: terra
#> terra 1.8.10
occs <- read.csv(file.path(system.file(package="predicts"),
predictors <- rast(file.path(system.file(package='predicts'), '/ex/bio.tif'))
me <- MaxEnt(predictors, occs)
#> Loading required namespace: rJava
# ... and then parse the lambdas information:
lam <- parse_lambdas(me)
#> $lambdas
#>        feature         var        lambda       min        max          type
#> 1         bio1        bio1  1.910476e+00     -23.0      289.0        linear
#> 2        bio12       bio12  7.093663e-01       0.0     7682.0        linear
#> 3        bio16       bio16  0.000000e+00       0.0     2458.0        linear
#> 4        bio17       bio17 -3.851500e+00       0.0     1496.0        linear
#> 5         bio5        bio5  0.000000e+00      61.0      422.0        linear
#> 6         bio6        bio6  0.000000e+00    -212.0      242.0        linear
#> 7         bio7        bio7 -1.725647e+01      60.0      461.0        linear
#> 8         bio8        bio8  3.870400e-01     -66.0      323.0        linear
#> 9         bio9        bio9  8.186268e-01     -23.0      289.0        linear
#> 10     bio12^2       bio12  5.919734e-02       0.0 59013124.0     quadratic
#> 11     bio16^2       bio16  3.039654e-01       0.0  6041764.0     quadratic
#> 12      bio6^2        bio6 -2.442335e+00       0.0    58564.0     quadratic
#> 13  bio1*bio12  bio1,bio12  2.840565e-01  -14571.0  2028048.0       product
#> 14 bio12*bio16 bio12,bio16  3.220484e-01       0.0 18636532.0       product
#> 15  bio12*bio5  bio12,bio5  6.430193e-04       0.0  2396784.0       product
#> 16  bio12*bio6  bio12,bio6  1.644931e-01 -156047.0  1674676.0       product
#> 17  bio12*bio7  bio12,bio7  8.865686e-01       0.0   737464.0       product
#> 18  bio12*bio8  bio12,bio8  3.011205e+00  -27324.0  2020366.0       product
#> 19  bio12*bio9  bio12,bio9  3.059475e-01  -14571.0  2028048.0       product
#> 20  bio16*bio8  bio16,bio8  6.038987e-01  -13332.0   638038.0       product
#> 21   bio5*bio7   bio5,bio7 -4.103028e-01    8235.0   162812.0       product
#> 22      `bio17       bio17 -1.970418e-01       0.0       89.5 reverse_hinge
#> 23      `bio17       bio17 -5.218809e-02       0.0       62.5 reverse_hinge
#> 24       'bio5        bio5 -1.635089e+00     287.5      422.0 forward_hinge
#> 25      `bio17       bio17 -1.260720e+00       0.0       52.5 reverse_hinge
#> 26       'bio5        bio5 -8.593232e-01     283.5      422.0 forward_hinge
#> 27       `bio1        bio1 -1.528864e+00     -23.0      180.5 reverse_hinge
#> 28       'bio6        bio6 -1.075395e+00     203.5      242.0 forward_hinge
#> 29      `bio16       bio16 -9.611040e-01       0.0      531.5 reverse_hinge
#> 30       'bio1        bio1  1.826304e+00     265.5      289.0 forward_hinge
#> 31       'bio6        bio6 -2.437269e-01     204.5      242.0 forward_hinge
#> 32      'bio16       bio16  3.590613e-01    2394.0     2458.0 forward_hinge
#> 33      'bio17       bio17  1.020436e-01    1229.5     1496.0 forward_hinge
#> 34      'bio17       bio17  1.335425e+00    1202.5     1496.0 forward_hinge
#> 35       'bio8        bio8  1.082490e+00     256.5      323.0 forward_hinge
#> 36       'bio6        bio6 -2.318697e-01     197.5      242.0 forward_hinge
#> 37       'bio1        bio1  4.046470e-01     258.5      289.0 forward_hinge
#> 38       'bio5        bio5 -4.581517e-01     255.5      422.0 forward_hinge
#> 39       'bio5        bio5 -2.546101e-01     258.5      422.0 forward_hinge
#> 40       `bio7        bio7 -9.515878e-01      60.0      111.5 reverse_hinge
#> 41       'bio9        bio9  5.708096e-01     265.5      289.0 forward_hinge
#> 42       'bio9        bio9  7.703929e-02     258.5      289.0 forward_hinge
#> 43      `bio17       bio17 -3.679882e-02       0.0       53.5 reverse_hinge
#> $linearPredictorNormalizer
#> [1] 2.283563
#> $densityNormalizer
#> [1] 117.8422
#> $numBackgroundPoints
#> [1] 9775
#> $entropy
#> [1] 7.9527
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "lambdas"
str(lam, 1)
#> List of 5
#>  $ lambdas                  :'data.frame':	43 obs. of  6 variables:
#>  $ linearPredictorNormalizer: num 2.28
#>  $ densityNormalizer        : num 118
#>  $ numBackgroundPoints      : num 9775
#>  $ entropy                  : num 7.95
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr "lambdas"